Education And E-Learning

Transforming In-Hospital Patient Communication By Providing Real-Time Access To Medical Help.




Conceptualize, Design, Develop, Deploy


Startup or Established

Build Your Idea

Expert Guidance

Reducing Patients’ Wait Time in Emergencies with Smart AI Chatbots

AbyM Technology is an IT and digital marketing company that provides innovative solutions for healthcare. We help you improve your online presence, reach more patients, and optimize your operations. Our team of experts creates customized websites, apps, chatbots, and campaigns for your goals. We are passionate about transforming healthcare with digital excellence.

AbyM Technology: Innovative IT and digital marketing solutions for healthcare.


AbyM Technology is an IT and digital marketing company that provides innovative solutions for healthcare. We help you improve your online presence, reach more patients, and optimize your operations. Our team of experts creates customized websites, apps, chatbots, and campaigns for your goals. We are passionate about transforming healthcare with digital excellence.

Our Process

Startup & Concept

Design & Layout


Publish & Launch

We are very happy with the services of AbyM Technology. They have created a stunning website for us, as well as a robust database management system for our patients. They have also handled all our digital needs, from SEO to social media. They are a team of professionals who understand our vision and deliver on time. We highly recommend AbyM Technology for any IT and digital marketing solutions.

Our Project Challenges

Our Project Solutions

We designed a system that allows the hospital admin to track the status and duration of each patient’s request. This way, the nurses can manage their workflow more effectively and meet the patient’s needs more efficiently. Our solution leverages the latest technology and best practices in IT and digital marketing to deliver high-quality healthcare services.


Our Project Outcomes

With our system, the hospital admin can monitor the progress and time of every patient’s request. This helps the nurses to optimize their workflow and satisfy the patient’s needs more quickly and effectively. We use the most advanced technology and best practices in IT and digital marketing to provide excellent healthcare services.


Our Project Achievements

Our system enables the hospital admin to oversee the completion and timing of each patient’s request. This improves the workflow efficiency of the nurses and the patient needs fulfillment. We apply the cutting-edge technology and best practices in IT and digital marketing to offer superior healthcare services.


Our Project Results

Our system empowers the hospital admin to manage the status and duration of every patient’s request. This enhances the workflow effectiveness of the nurses and the patient needs satisfaction. We employ state-of-the-art technology and best practices in IT and digital marketing to deliver outstanding healthcare services.


Launch Your Dream Project With Us

We can help you turn your vision into reality with our expertise and experience in IT and digital marketing. Whether you need web design, app development, SEO, or social media marketing, we have the skills and tools to make it happen. We work with you to understand your goals and deliver solutions that suit your needs and budget.

Consult Our Expert Team

Our Development Process

How We Improve The Lives Of Patients And Caregivers

We at AbyM Technology provide excellent services and technology for the healthcare sector. Our goal is to facilitate effective communication between patients and caregivers. Therefore, we design and develop solutions that prevent any misdirection of patients’ requests, and that enable complex gesture and voice controls.

With our innovative and user-friendly products, we aim to enhance the quality of patient-caregiver interaction.

The Primary Ones Were Enabling Voice Command

We provide excellent services and technology for the healthcare sector. One of our achievements is enabling voice command for our system. We integrated a voice commands system that can handle multiple languages and accents. To do this, we evaluated various options and selected the DAR method as the most effective one.

The Results

We’re excited to launch Youcomm, a cutting-edge app for healthcare communication, at a beta level in some hospitals. We’re constantly improving it for mass rollout. Youcomm has won many awards and media praise. It will revolutionize healthcare with its advanced technology and services.


Hospital Chain In The US Running On Youcomm Solution


Growth In Nurses' Real-Time Response Time


Hospitals Getting High CMS Reimbursement